Termite Control
Hampton Roads is ranked second in the nation for termite damage per square mile thanks to our moist, mild climate and beautiful terrain. Termite colonies systematically destroy millions of dollars worth of property annually with one colony eating up to one cup of wood per day. A termite infestation can quickly cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage to your investment, so don’t turn a blind eye to this common problem.

Termidor Certified
We were one of the first companies on the Peninsula certified to use the revolutionary Termidor solution which is undetectable to termites yet transfers easily through contact, killing entire colonies completely in three months or less. This solution works two to six times faster than a traditional bait system. Termidor has been shown through testing to be effective for six to eight years after initial application. Despite its effectiveness, it has a lower percentage of average insecticides and the ability to bind to soil, meaning there is no leaching through rainfall or irrigation making it a more environmentally friendly solution as well.

Termite Control Warranty
At no additional cost, this warranty covers material and labor to treat affected areas should a reinfestation occur. Keep in mind that once you have had termites, the signs of the former infestation may remain, meaning that if you sell or refinance your home, those signs may be misinterpreted, causing you to pay for another treatment. To avoid this unnecessary cost and treatment, we recommend renewing your service and warranty annually, which will also identify and treat other wood destroying organisms such as powder post beetles, woodbores, and even moisture damage. Even new construction homes will need termite inspections after the first year when the initial builder warranty drops off. New construction homes develop termite infestations just as readily as existing, older homes.

Licensed Construction
If damage has already occurred due to a termite infestation, Commonwealth is a licensed Contractor and can both treat for termites and repair any damage that may have been done. Our in-depth knowledge of how termite colonies work means we can identify and anticipate the kind of repairs that will need to be done, ensuring that every issue is addressed.
Peace of Mind
Having an annual termite control service is an inexpensive way to avoid very likely and very expensive damage to your home. It could potentially save you thousands of dollars in the long run, as well as headache and time. The coverage is easily renewable and is also transferable to future buyers.
Contact Us
Don’t wait for damage to occur. Protect your investment today and avoid costly repairs later. Call us for a free inspection and estimate: 757-873-2030 or use our contact form.